
  1. 4. low rate of gains, poor feed efficiency, and decrease in animal byproducts
  2. 7. example of a macro-mineral
  3. 8. most important nutrient
  4. 9. organic substances needed for biochemical reactions
  5. 11. most common nutrient deficiency among all the nutrients
  6. 12. responsible for building the skeleton and producing enzymes and hormones
  7. 13. help to develop and repair body organs and tissues
  1. 1. substance that is necessary for an organism to live and grow
  2. 2. needed in a small quantity
  3. 3. helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins
  4. 5. mostly used for energy, stores fat, and produces heat
  5. 6. needed in the large quantity
  6. 10. number of essential nutrients