
  1. 2. a plant that has complete proteins
  2. 4. caused by iodine deficiency
  3. 6. healthy fat
  4. 8. solid at room temperature
  5. 10. lack of vitamin C which causes bleeding gums
  6. 12. what plant cell walls are made of
  7. 18. a process that makes healthy fats unhealthy
  8. 19. how many cups of water you should drink each day
  9. 21. caused by a lack of vitamin A
  10. 24. a single piece of a protein
  11. 25. protein with all the essential amino acids
  12. 27. needed for life processes to happen
  13. 28. should be light-colored if healthy
  14. 29. includes both fats and oils
  15. 30. easy source of complete protein
  16. 31. a yellowing that can be from a lack of vitamin B12
  1. 1. short-term food storage in animals
  2. 2. used by our skin to make vitamin D
  3. 3. curved bones
  4. 5. nutrient group used for energy
  5. 7. all the amino acids you must eat
  6. 9. caused by iron deficiency
  7. 11. used for food by all living things
  8. 13. where starch is usually found
  9. 14. another name for cellulose
  10. 15. gotten from using carbohydrates and lipids
  11. 16. builds and repairs the body
  12. 17. caused by a calcium deficiency
  13. 18. a symptom of dehydration
  14. 20. a lack of this causes muscle cramps
  15. 22. caused by too little vitamin K
  16. 23. the molecule plants store food as
  17. 26. liquid at room temperature