
  1. 1. A micronutrient that is a group of organic compounds
  2. 3. A red liquid that keeps us alive
  3. 7. The 'R' in Mrs. Gren
  4. 8. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the ___
  5. 9. Something food gives you
  6. 11. Small nutrients
  7. 12. 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen
  8. 13. A micronutrient that is an inorganic solid
  9. 14. A macronutrient composed of amino acids
  1. 2. Large nutrients
  2. 4. A macronutrient that is naturally oily
  3. 5. A tasty chemical substance that we need for energy.
  4. 6. Something proportioned well
  5. 8. Starch, sugars, and cellulose
  6. 10. A micronutrient that is a carbohydrate found in plant-based foods