
  1. 5. Too much of this can lead to hypertension
  2. 7. A fat found in animal products
  3. 8. A protein with amino acids in the right amounts in the right order.
  4. 11. Vitamins A,D,E & K.
  5. 13. A hydrogenated fat
  6. 15. Mineral needed for a normal heartbeat
  7. 17. In order to absorb this vitamin D must be present
  8. 19. Helps with the formation of red blood cells
  9. 20. You need to drink ___ cups of water a day
  10. 21. Associated with yellow orange vegetables
  11. 24. Vitamin that prevents birth defects
  12. 25. Vegetable high in iron
  1. 1. A carbohydrate containing fiber or starch
  2. 2. Fat soluble vitamins are stored here
  3. 3. Minerals needed in large amounts
  4. 4. Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water, Carbohydrates & ______
  5. 6. Known as the "sunshine" vitamin
  6. 9. These amino acids cannot be made by our body
  7. 10. Transports fat soluble vitamins in the body
  8. 12. This B vitamin is one of the "Big Three"
  9. 14. Vitamin associated with night vision
  10. 16. Fat that is solid at room temperature
  11. 18. A good source of calcium
  12. 22. There are 22 of these
  13. 23. The first nutrient to be digested