
  1. 4. Vitamins are ____ to other nutrients
  2. 5. Vitamin E protects cells from damage by oxygen
  3. 6. An example of a simple sugar
  4. 8. This is needed for a healthy digestive track
  5. 11. Fats transports these
  6. 13. Works with calcium to build strong bones and teeth
  7. 14. High levels of this are linked to heart disease
  8. 15. Dried fruits are a source of this
  9. 16. Nutrient needed for healthy skin and insulation
  10. 18. Part of all the cells in our body
  1. 1. Builds and repairs cells
  2. 2. Body's main source of energy
  3. 3. Extra vitamins are stored here
  4. 7. There are nine of these amino acids
  5. 9. Most abundant mineral in our body
  6. 10. meat with the lowest amount of saturated fat
  7. 12. Fats that are solid at room temperature
  8. 17. Nutrients work together as a ____