
  1. 4. What chemical solution do we use to test for Protein?
  2. 7. People who are very overweight are said to be…
  3. 8. a deficiency disease caused by the lack of iron. Causes tiredness and shortness of breath
  4. 9. The scientific term for what you eat
  5. 11. A process in which energy is released from substances so it can be used by an organism
  6. 12. Meat is a food high in….?
  7. 14. Starvation is a severe form of…
  1. 1. One of the seven nutrients?
  2. 2. Which can be absorbed by the small intestine? Starch or Glucose?
  3. 3. The food group our bodies use to store energy and for insulation is….?
  4. 5. What digestive juice does food get mixed with in the mouth?
  5. 6. What nutrient do plant cell walls make up?
  6. 10. The amount of energy in food is measured in?
  7. 13. a deficiency disease caused by a lack of vitamin C. Joints hurt, and the gums bleed and cuts take a long time to heal