
  1. 2. a person or thing with trustworthy qualities
  2. 3. having a large amount of excess flesh.
  3. 4. substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates
  4. 7. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  5. 11. These fats are liquid at room temperature in oil form.
  6. 13. chemical substances that act like messenger molecules in the body. After being made in one part of the body, they travel to other parts of the body where they help control how cells and organs do their work
  7. 15. considered to be less healthy in the diet than unsaturated fat
  8. 17. able to be relied on as honest or truthful
  1. 1. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues
  2. 5. a simple sugar
  3. 6. elements on the earth and in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally.
  4. 8. required in small quantities in the diet
  5. 9. essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, collagen, etc
  6. 10. a compound which is the chief component of cane or beet sugar
  7. 12. made when hydrogen is added to a liquid vegetable oil to make it more solid
  8. 14. all the chemical processes going on continuously inside your body that allow life and normal functioning
  9. 16. a type of sugar known as a monosaccharide