  1. 2. an enzyme that digest cell wall
  2. 4. also found in milk
  3. 6. a diet that contain nutrients in proper quantity is said to be
  4. 9. source of carbohydrate
  5. 12. cabbage is a major source of it
  6. 14. uneasy sensation of lack of food
  7. 16. major component of plant cell wall
  8. 18. grape sugar
  9. 19. fruit sugar
  1. 1. double sugar
  2. 2. a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
  3. 3. desire to eat food
  4. 5. chain of simple sugars
  5. 7. fuel for our body
  6. 8. single simple sugar
  7. 10. insoluble carbohydrate
  8. 11. Essential chemical components to body
  9. 13. food taken at one time
  10. 15. stored carbs in animals
  11. 17. commercial sugar