
  1. 3. important for good vision and healthy skin
  2. 8. type of carbohydrates found in whole grains
  3. 9. a mineral that helps maintain fluid balance
  4. 10. compounds that help regulate body functions
  5. 12. cannot be digested; found in raw fruit and veggies
  6. 14. keeping portions to a reasonable size
  7. 15. substances in food that your body needs
  8. 16. the body's physical need for food
  1. 1. type of fat containing a high proportion of fatty acid molecules
  2. 2. weighing less than what is considered healthy
  3. 4. essential to every body function
  4. 5. unit of heat that measures the energy in food
  5. 6. nutrients used to build up and repair cells
  6. 7. a food having high vitamin and mineral content
  7. 11. emotional desire for food
  8. 13. starches and sugars found in foods