
  1. 6. Nutritional compounds our bodies need in large quantities for daily functioning
  2. 9. process where body takes in food
  3. 10. (Healthy) tightly packed and moves through blood stream (high density lipoprotein)
  4. 11. Provides energy for the body
  5. 14. natural of created
  6. 15. a substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates.
  7. 16. is a desire, rather than a need to eat
  8. 17. simple sugar that is the bodies main source of energy
  1. 1. solid at room temp. comes from animals
  2. 2. units of heat that measure the energy value of food
  3. 3. Waxy lipid-like substance found in blood stream and can restrict blood flow in arteries
  4. 4. Composed of amino acids
  5. 5. protects you from starvation
  6. 7. Indigestible complex carbohydrate found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains
  7. 8. liquid at room temp.
  8. 9. substances in food that your body needs in order to grow
  9. 12. Protects organs, insulates, transport of vitamins
  10. 13. (Lousy) – Loosely packed and builds up in arteries (Low density liporotein)