
  1. 4. Nutrients that contain carbon
  2. 6. Can not be digested but helps digestive system run smoothly
  3. 8. The body uses 14 of these to help build cells and take part in chemical reactions in cells
  4. 10. Nutrients that did not contain carbon
  5. 11. Is the main source of energy for your body
  6. 12. A nutrient that makes up 60% of the human body
  7. 13. Also known as "lipids"
  1. 1. Are the building blocks of protein
  2. 2. Divided into two groups, water-soluble and fat-soluble
  3. 3. Is made up of smaller units - amino acids
  4. 5. This fat is broken down into fatty acids
  5. 7. Substances that provide energy and materials for cell development, growth and repair
  6. 9. Amount of energy available in food