
  1. 4. What type of carbs is cookies
  2. 5. what is healthy HDL or LDL
  3. 8. how many amino acids are in a complete protein
  4. 9. Unsaturated is mostly from ____
  5. 11. What type of energy do you get from simple carbs
  6. 12. There are _ or few amino acids in incomplete protein
  7. 15. what type of protein are nuts
  1. 1. what is a good substitution for white bread
  2. 2. What protein has all amino acids
  3. 3. What type of fat is coconut oil
  4. 6. What do carbs give you
  5. 7. what type of fat is solid at room temperature
  6. 10. What type of carbs have fiber
  7. 13. what fat is chips
  8. 14. What helps grow and repair tissu