  1. 3. reduces risk of colon cancer, constipation, and may reduce risk of heart disease
  2. 5. supply energy for your body's nutrients
  3. 6. vitamins that can be stored in the body to be used later
  4. 8. supply your body with energy, form your cells, maintain body temperature, and
  5. 10. process of maintaining a steady state inside your body
  6. 12. condition in which your red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  7. 13. nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil
  8. 15. the 9 amino acids that your body cannot manufacture
  1. 1. your nerves
  2. 2. fats that have all the hydrogen the carbon atoms can hold.
  3. 4. dissolved substances that regulate many processes in your cells
  4. 7. vitamins that cannot be stored in the body to use later
  5. 9. when your body uses the nutrients in foods, a series of chemical reactions occurs inside your cells
  6. 11. vitamins that help protect healthy cells from the damage caused by the normal aging process as well as from certain types of cancer
  7. 14. measures of unit and amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down