
  1. 3. fatlike substance that is found only in animal products
  2. 6. maintain water balance and make protein
  3. 9. is important in the blood clotting and the functioning of your nervous system
  4. 12. a condition in which the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  5. 13. helps maintain water balance; nerve function
  6. 15. it supply's your body with energy, form your cells
  7. 16. weakness, rapid breathing, a weak heartbeat.
  1. 1. passes out of your body without being digested
  2. 2. dissolve in water
  3. 4. growth and repair of your body's tissue
  4. 5. dissolve in fatty materials
  5. 7. body breaks down food
  6. 8. they are proteins that have long chains of smaller links
  7. 10. the process of maintaining a steady state inside your body
  8. 11. supply's energy
  9. 14. the amount of energy released when nutrients break down