
  1. 6. A condition in which a person does not consume enough iron
  2. 7. Can be fat-soluble or water-soluble
  3. 9. Fatty substance found in animal products; any consumed is considered excess as your body produces all that it needs
  4. 10. Chemical process where your body breaks down food
  5. 12. When the body does not get enough water
  6. 13. Vitamins that protect healthy cells from general aging
  7. 14. Aids in the formation of bones and teeth
  8. 15. A mineral that aids in balancing water
  1. 1. Nutrients that occur naturally in the ground
  2. 2. The main source of energy for your body's functions
  3. 3. A unit of energy found in food
  4. 4. Can prevent constipation, reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps to prevent heart disease
  5. 5. Process of maintaining a normal state in your body
  6. 8. Building blocks for protein synthesis
  7. 11. Primary function is to rebuild tissue