
  1. 1. dissolved substances that regulate many processes in the body's cells
  2. 3. a nutrient found in plants that helps prevent heart disease and promotes healthy digestion
  3. 5. a mineral that can cause high blood pressure if eaten too much
  4. 6. an energy source for the body that also helps with growth and repair of bodily cells
  5. 8. types of vitamins that protect cells from the damage of aging
  6. 9. a mineral vital to the functioning of the nervous system, blood clotting, and especially for bones and teeth
  7. 11. the body's primary source of energy
  8. 13. a mineral that maintains water balance and lowers blood pressure
  9. 15. the chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy
  1. 2. the nine amino acids the body cannot produce, must be consumed
  2. 3. vitamins that can be stored by the body for future use
  3. 4. a substance that forms plaque in the veins if eaten too much. found only in animal products
  4. 7. fats that are typically solid at room temperature and can lead to heart disease if eaten too much
  5. 10. a mineral needed to produce hemoglobin
  6. 12. a condition in which red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  7. 14. a unit for the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down