
  1. 2. vitamins B and C
  2. 5. maintains body temp. and protects nerves
  3. 6. fat that's solid at room temp.
  4. 7. vitamins A, D, E, and K
  5. 10. 9 amino acids that aren't manufacture by the body
  6. 12. excess causes high blood pressure
  7. 13. the process of maintaining a steady state inside the body
  8. 14. 10-35% of calorie intake
  1. 1. should be roughly 45-65% of daily calories
  2. 3. commonly found in nuts, vegetables, and
  3. 4. fat that's liquid at room temp.
  4. 8. a waxy, fatlike substance found in animal products
  5. 9. caused by low iron, can cause weakness and fatigue
  6. 11. type of carbohydrate; starches
  7. 12. type of carbohydrate; found in fruits