
  1. 4. What is the last macronutrient (carb, fat, protein) to be digested, absorbed, and utilized?
  2. 5. Major source of readily available energy
  3. 9. Process where blood or lymph capillaries pick up digested nutrients
  4. 13. Chemical elements that are found in food and divided up into six groups
  5. 15. Regulates body function
  6. 16. What is Hypertension?
  7. 18. What plays the largest overall role in our health?
  1. 1. Each individual’s caloric requirement is the number of calories needed by the body during
  2. 2. A diabetic diet limits the intake of what?
  3. 3. porous, weak bones; long term deficiency of what vitamins and minerals
  4. 6. A low cholesterol diet limits the intake of what?
  5. 7. What is the first macronutrient (carb, fat, protein) to be digested, absorbed, and utilized?
  6. 8. Carries nutrients and wastes to and from body cells
  7. 10. most concentrated source of energy
  8. 11. Constriction of arteries due to plaque and fatty build up
  9. 12. state of poor nutrition caused by poor diet or illness
  10. 14. The process in which nutrients are used by cells for building tissue, providing energy, and regulating various body functions
  11. 17. A sodium restricted diet limits the intake of what?