
  1. 2. dissolves and transports materials
  2. 5. it helps push food through the digestive attract
  3. 9. a person who specializes an interest in food and health
  4. 11. influences muscle contraction and nerve action
  5. 14. important in building body parts
  6. 16. important in protein digestion
  7. 18. builds and repairs body tissue also a source of energy
  1. 1. an indigestible fiber found in the plant cell walls
  2. 3. source of energy for life activities
  3. 4. important in fluid balance
  4. 6. A natural substance found in small quantities in food
  5. 7. and oils- provides energy for life activities
  6. 8. the energy content of food that measures heat units
  7. 10. makes up thyroid hormones
  8. 12. makes up part of hemoglobin
  9. 13. it makes up bones and teeth
  10. 15. balanced diet- it is made up of a variety of foods that supply the body with the proper amounts of necessary nutrients and energy.
  11. 17. important in structure of bone