
  1. 3. necessary for a healthy body
  2. 5. build and repair body tissue
  3. 6. makes up bones and teeth
  4. 9. an indigestible fiber found in plant cell walls
  5. 11. important in the structure of bone
  6. 13. important in building body parts
  7. 14. nervosa- characterized by intense fear of being fat and by serving weight loss
  8. 17. overeat and then vomit secretly once or several times a day
  9. 19. and oils- source of stored energy for life activities
  10. 20. makes up part of hemoglobin
  1. 1. dissolves and transports materials
  2. 2. person who has a special interest in food and health
  3. 4. important in protein digestion
  4. 7. makes up thyroid hormones
  5. 8. influences muscle contraction and nerve action
  6. 10. important in fluid balance
  7. 12. diet- made up of a variety of foods that supply the body with the proper amounts of necessary nutrients and energy
  8. 15. helps push food through the digestive tract
  9. 16. source of energy for life activities
  10. 18. the energy content of food measured in heat units