
  1. 3. Build muscles, cause chemical reactions in the body, transport nutrients, prevent illness, and carry out other functions.
  2. 5. Sugars that are digested quickly, causing spikes in blood sugar and making you feel hungry sooner.
  3. 7. proteins that contain all essential amino acids.
  4. 9. fats that are liquid at room temperature
  5. 10. Starches that take longer to break down and provide more lasting energy in the body than simple carbohydrates.
  6. 11. Cholesterol that sticks to walls of blood vessels
  7. 12. Cholesterol that protects against heart disease
  8. 13. nutrient that promotes normal growth gives you energy and keeps your skin healthy.
  9. 14. The nine amino acids your body cannot make are called
  1. 1. Substances in foods that your body needs to grow, have energy, and stay healthy.
  2. 2. Waxy fat like substance that the body uses to build cells and make other substances.
  3. 4. proteins that do not contain all essential amino acids
  4. 5. fats that are solid at room temperature
  5. 6. The nutrient group used to build and repair cells.
  6. 8. Starches and sugars found in foods that provide the body with energy.