
  1. 2. A mineral that helps regulate water content in the body.
  2. 3. _____ are a concentrated source of energy.
  3. 7. Helps with growth and repair of body tissue.
  4. 10. Helps turn food into energy.
  5. 12. Helps with normal cognitive function.
  6. 14. _____ keeps us hydrated.
  7. 15. A mineral that helps with the formation strong bones.
  1. 1. The nutrient that is the main source of heat and energy.
  2. 4. Food that we eat on a daily basis is the definition of ______.
  3. 5. Helps to make red blood cells.
  4. 6. Helps with healthy vision.
  5. 8. A vitamin that helps improve immune system.
  6. 9. A vitamin that is essential for blood clotting.
  7. 11. Helps to make thyroid hormones.
  8. 13. A mineral that helps maintain strong bones and teeth.