
  1. 2. helps protect cells
  2. 4. helps build strong bones
  3. 5. healthy nervous system
  4. 7. regulate fluid balance in tissues
  5. 10. psychological desire for food
  6. 11. healthy skin and normal vision
  7. 13. prevents tooth decay
  8. 16. sickness resulting from eating food
  1. 1. foods that offer few,if any nutrients
  2. 2. absorption of calcium
  3. 3. study of nutrients and how the body uses them
  4. 6. needed for healthy teeth and gums
  5. 8. unit of heat that measures the energy available
  6. 9. needed for hemoglobin in red blood cells
  7. 12. substances in food that your body needs
  8. 14. build and maintain bones and teeth
  9. 15. controls the amount of fluid in your body