
  1. 4. fiber humans metabolize
  2. 6. healthy seafood fatty acid (polyunsaturated)
  3. 7. men need over 30g of this each day
  4. 10. bone helping D3 found in eggs, fish and this
  5. 12. one gram of this is 9 calories
  6. 13. result of insufficient protein intake
  7. 14. Greek root meaning first
  8. 15. the B9 that your DNA needs
  1. 1. fats that are liquid at room temp
  2. 2. fat that has hydrogen infused for shelflife
  3. 3. Ca,Zn,Fe,F etc. elements needed in trace amounts
  4. 5. healthiest vegies incl: kale,cabbage,romaine
  5. 8. there are 13 essential
  6. 9. should be 10-35% of daily nutrient intake
  7. 11. the vitamins that won't stay long in body