
  1. 3. complete physical, mental and social well-being.
  2. 6. meat, eggs and legumes are examples of this.
  3. 8. a food that should only be eaten occasionally.
  4. 9. an example of a carbohydrate.
  5. 11. it's easy to grow your own fruit and .......
  6. 12. it's important to have this in your diet.
  7. 13. vitamin D comes from here.
  8. 14. poor food choices can easily become .........
  1. 1. provide information about the food.
  2. 2. study of food and how it works in your body.
  3. 4. this kick starts your metabolism.
  4. 5. often related to socializing - family BBQ, weddings.
  5. 7. our body is made up of 60% of this.
  6. 8. make healthy .......... with food.
  7. 10. comfortable, healthy and happy.
  8. 15. excellent source of unsaturated fat (good fat).