
  1. 4. Necessary to produce hemoglobin in healthy red blood cells
  2. 5. Lack of water that can cause headaches and weakness
  3. 7. Maintains heart function and water balance.
  4. 9. Substances that regulate many cell processes. Sodium and potassium are examples
  5. 11. Works with sodium to maintain water balance in the body in addition to lowering blood pressure
  6. 13. Vitamins that protect healthy cells from damage caused by aging
  7. 15. Used as materials to build the body's tissues
  1. 1. A condition where red blood cells do not have enough hemoglobin and are less efficient.
  2. 2. Sugars and starches that supply the body with energy
  3. 3. Liquid that makes up ~65% of the human body
  4. 6. Essential nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil
  5. 8. Essential to grow and maintain bones and teeth
  6. 10. The process of maintaining steady bodily functions.
  7. 12. Essential organic compounds that the body cannot produce
  8. 14. Supplies the body with energy, forms cell structures, insulates body heat, and protect nerves