
  1. 5. the general idea that its normal to not be content with one's own body
  2. 9. the field of study that focuses on food that helps us grow health
  3. 13. body mass index
  4. 14. what you eat and drink on a daily basis
  5. 16. the feeling of insecurity and self about ones own body
  6. 19. key nutrients including protein, fat, carbs
  7. 20. a belief system that focuses on the values, weight, shape, and size over the wellbeing
  1. 1. how much water you drink per day
  2. 2. the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body
  3. 3. fashionable diets that generally don't result In long term weight loss goals
  4. 4. lack of consistent access to food
  5. 6. chemical compounds in food that are used by the body to function properly and maintain health
  6. 7. assist in protecting your body against the damage caused by free radicals
  7. 8. we need food to function and be active
  8. 10. substances added to food to improve flavor, color, texture or preserve food
  9. 11. unprossessed foods that contain high levels of nutrients
  10. 12. a use of energy in food
  11. 15. societally constructed concept of the ideally slim female body
  12. 17. calories calories found in foods with little or no vitamins, minerals, or fiber
  13. 18. feeling confident and secure about your body and self