
  1. 3. is the process of using food and its substances to help your body have energy, grow, develop, and work properly.
  2. 4. are the calories that come from foods that offer few, if any, nutrients.
  3. 5. Density is the amount of nutrients relative to the number of calories they provide.
  4. 10. is the psychological desire for food.
  5. 11. is a nutrient that helps control the amount of fluid in your body.
  6. 12. good for immune system, found in citrus
  7. 13. are substances in food that your body needs.
  1. 1. are fats that are SOLID at room temperature.
  2. 2. is the physical need for food.
  3. 6. are fats that are LIQUID at room temperature.
  4. 7. are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body.
  5. 8. good for eyes skin and teeth
  6. 9. good for immune function and energy