
  1. 6. the transport of oxygen from outside the body to inside the body
  2. 9. contributes to bone health, helping to prevent osteoporosis
  3. 11. a metallic chemical element that contributes to the development and functioning of the brain and central nervous system
  4. 12. the ability to react to external stimuli, such as noise and touch
  5. 13. a disorder of the immune system that causes normally harmless substances such as pollen,plants,food items to produce an adverse reaction
  1. 1. substances found in sugar, bread etc which provide body with heal and energy
  2. 2. acts as an antioxidant and helps prevent heart disease and promotes overall health
  3. 3. a nutrient that contributes to the development of healthy tissue, bones, muscles, skin and blood
  4. 4. meat that comes from birds, such as turkey
  5. 5. to want smth very much
  6. 7. a medical condition wherein excess body fat leads to health problems and a decreased life expectancy
  7. 8. benefits the eyes
  8. 10. a grouping of cells that form a structural material with a specific purpose