
  1. 3. diets popular for a short amount of time
  2. 4. a ratio of height to weight
  3. 10. helps with bowel function
  4. 12. helps maintain blood pressure
  5. 14. people who don't eat meat
  6. 16. fructose and lactose
  7. 17. the bodies main energy source
  8. 19. transport vitamins through the blood
  9. 20. amount of cups to drink a day
  10. 21. one of the six nutrients
  1. 1. helps build strong bones
  2. 2. dependent on age, gender, and lifestyle
  3. 5. the body does not make this substance
  4. 6. abstaining from eating for a certain amount of time
  5. 7. makes up the greatest percentage of the body
  6. 8. carries oxygen to the brain
  7. 9. a natural physical drive that protects from starvation
  8. 11. a desire rather than a need to eat
  9. 13. unhealthy fats
  10. 15. complex carbs
  11. 18. eggs, nuts, meat, fish