
  1. 5. substance that is vital to every body function
  2. 8. proteins that have all 9 essential amino acids
  3. 9. substances that body can't produce but are needed
  4. 10. process in which the body takes/uses food
  5. 11. units of heat that measure energy
  6. 13. protein that comes from beans, nuts, and peas
  7. 15. mineral deficiency that causes osteoporosis
  8. 16. a desire to eat
  1. 1. substances in food that your body needs to grow, repair, and supply with energy
  2. 2. help build and maintain body cells and tissues
  3. 3. compounds that help regulate vital body processes
  4. 4. a physical drive that protects you from starvation
  5. 6. minimum amount of cups of water each day
  6. 7. what provides the body with energy
  7. 12. mineral deficiency that causes anemia
  8. 14. fatty substance that does not dissolve in water