
  1. 4. Body needs it to grow/repair itself
  2. 5. Protect you from starvation
  3. 8. "Binging & Purging"
  4. 10. Type of Carb in grain/vegetable
  5. 11. Sugar, Fiber, & Starch
  6. 13. Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig
  7. 15. Energy used by the body
  8. 16. Fear of gaining weight
  1. 1. Un/Saturated ...
  2. 2. 70% of the body is?
  3. 3. Cannot be digested
  4. 6. Body change carbs to?
  5. 7. Calcium, Magnesium & Sodium
  6. 9. "Macronutrient"
  7. 12. A desire to eat
  8. 14. Has water/fat soluble