
  1. 3. measurement of energy in food
  2. 4. food group made up mostly of carbohydrates
  3. 6. carbs, fats and protein
  4. 10. acids building blocks of protein
  5. 11. food and drink we choose to consume
  6. 13. water, vitamins and minerals
  7. 14. most important nutrient
  8. 15. foods high in nutrients, low in calories are nutrient _______
  1. 1. most of carbs should come in this form
  2. 2. healthier type of fat
  3. 5. primary energy source
  4. 7. substances in food the body needs to function
  5. 8. important nutrient for muscle growth
  6. 9. _______ carbohydrates provide quick energy
  7. 12. total number of food groups