
  1. 4. The _____ Metabolic Rate measures the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic, life-sustaining function.
  2. 5. Factors including weight, height, gender, and ____ influence the caloric consumption of an individual
  3. 8. The Keto Diet advocates for cutting __________
  4. 10. A state in which the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose
  5. 12. Another benefit of the MyPlate diet is promoting healthy cholesterol known as _____ Density Cholesterol
  6. 14. Having a balanced MyPlate diet helps maintain blood ______ levels
  7. 15. A measure of energy
  1. 1. This Diet centers on foods which hunter-gatherer ancestors would have eating during the Paleolithic Period
  2. 2. Anything below 5% and above 20% surpasses the recommended _________ (two words)
  3. 3. T/F: The BMR of both males and females can be calculated using the same equation
  4. 6. The ____ (abbreviated organization) approved 2,000 as the average caloric intake of an individual
  5. 7. T/F: All Nutrients are considered "healthy"
  6. 9. According to MyPlate, what percentage of Vegetables is needed for a balanced diet
  7. 11. T/F: The Serving Size is the amount of food a person typically eats (it is not a recommendation)
  8. 13. This includes cultivated cereal crops