
  1. 4. Body desire and what you want to eat
  2. 7. What is the process by which the body takes in and uses food? Carbohydrates Sugar molecules that provide the body with glucose/energy
  3. 8. Parts of your food your body can’t digest
  4. 9. Vitamins your body gets rid of once you get enough
  5. 11. creates amino acid that builds the body
  6. 12. What Is a diet that is popular for a short period of time and rarely has lasting effects?
  7. 14. Measure how much energy the body uses and how much energy food supplies your body with
  8. 15. Mental illnesses with extreme eating behaviors that can lead to illness or death
  9. 16. Maintains your body temperature
  10. 17. Vitamins D, A, and K are all this type of vitamin
  1. 1. Where you eat lots of food at once but you don’t purge
  2. 2. The amount of food that the product recommends that you should have at a time
  3. 3. What is an instinct that makes you have a physical response?
  4. 5. A mental illness where you binge and then purge
  5. 6. Elements your body needs in small amounts to keep you alive
  6. 10. Fats that are liquid at room temperature
  7. 13. What mental illness did Nancy have in “For the Love Nancy”?
  8. 17. Another source of energy that is made with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen