
  1. 2. lipid formed from a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids (unsaturated)
  2. 6. lipid formed from a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids (saturated)
  3. 7. a straight chain aliphatic hydrocarbon that contains only single bonds
  4. 10. any of the class of sugars that cannot be hydrolyzed to give a simpler sugar
  5. 11. a straight chain aliphatic hydrocarbon containing at least one double bond
  6. 12. a carbohydrate whose molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules bonded together
  7. 13. any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents
  8. 14. having carbon–carbon double or triple bonds and therefore not containing the greatest possible number of hydrogen atoms
  9. 15. a straight chain aliphatic hydrocarbon containing at least one triple bond
  1. 1. a carbohydrate composed of two monosaccharide units
  2. 3. any of a large group of organic compounds that includes sugars, starch, and cellulose, containing hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water and used as structural materials and for energy storage within living tissues
  3. 4. organic compound that has a covalently bonded OH functional group attached to an alkyl group
  4. 5. containing the greatest possible number of hydrogen atoms and so having no carbon–carbon double or triple bonds
  5. 8. two or more compounds with the same formula but a different arrangement of atoms in the molecule and different properties
  6. 9. any of a large class of organic compounds with a characteristic molecular structure containing four rings of carbon atoms