
  1. 2. a protein found in wheat
  2. 6. its found in bananas
  3. 8. is often used to describe someone who doesn't get enough nutrition
  4. 10. its on meat
  5. 11. supplements a products that you take to supplement your diet
  6. 12. nutrients essential dietary elements
  7. 14. C a water soluble vitamin found in citrus
  8. 15. one of the main types of nutrition
  1. 1. also know as glucose
  2. 3. a technical term for fats
  3. 4. for diets you count your
  4. 5. something that is sweet tasting
  5. 7. you took these as kids in the morning
  6. 9. fat usually solid at room temp
  7. 13. people go on these to loose weight