
  1. 7. A chemical breakdown of substances by micro organisms
  2. 8. The process by which a substance captures and transfers energy
  3. 10. A natural protein derived from collagen
  4. 11. The mineral which is a part of haemoglobin
  5. 12. pigment containing sensory proteins that converts light into an electrical signal
  6. 14. severe hypothyroidism in infant or child
  7. 18. Most abundant protein found in bones, skin and muscles
  8. 20. colloid of two or more immisible liquids
  9. 22. sulphur containing non essential amino acid
  10. 24. Other name of vitamin B7
  11. 26. abnormal condition of lips due to deficiency of vitamin B2
  12. 27. A cell which contains haemoglobin
  13. 28. Major storage form of energy in the body
  14. 29. Swelling of neck due to deficiency of iodine
  1. 1. Essential amino acid used in biosynthesis of protein
  2. 2. disorder that occurs due to excess intake of nutrients
  3. 3. Beri beri is caused by deficiency of this vitamin
  4. 4. a disease of occular signs associated with vitamin A deficiency
  5. 5. Building blocks of the body
  6. 6. Other name of Vitamin B3
  7. 9. the disease which is known as 3D disease
  8. 13. Deficiency of Vitamin D that occurs in children
  9. 15. capability of body to resists pathogens
  10. 16. Lack of RBC in blood
  11. 17. A preparation which supplies nutrients
  12. 19. process of decomposition of fats and oils by hydrolysis or oxidation
  13. 21. lack of sufficient nutrients in the body
  14. 23. Essential amino acids needed for normal growth of infants
  15. 25. Weight considered too low for good health
  16. 28. Excess of fluorine