
  1. 3. when a person is afraid of gaining weight, so they eat very little or not alot
  2. 4. Process that occurs after digestion
  3. 7. when our body breaks down the food we eat into smaller pieces
  4. 8. when there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood
  5. 10. when our body gets rid of the parts of the food that it can't use
  6. 13. When there's too little magnesium in the blood
  7. 14. when our muscles get weaker and smaller as we get older
  8. 16. when there is too much fat in the blood
  9. 17. are the tiny things our bodies need in small amounts to keep our organs working well and protect us from getting sick.Phytochemicals are natural compounds found in plants that can be like super helpers for our bodies
  10. 18. when your body swells up alot because there is too much of fluid trapped in their tissues
  11. 19. When there is too much of calcium in the blood
  1. 1. when a person's body has too much of extra fat
  2. 2. are the big things our bodies need a lot of to help us grow and stay healthy.
  3. 5. are natural compounds found in plants that can be like super helpers for our bodies
  4. 6. When our bodies don't get the right kind of food or enough nutrients
  5. 9. when the blood does not have enough albumin
  6. 11. measurement of the energy we get from food
  7. 12. Process of getting the right kind of food and water that our bodies need to grow
  8. 15. small jobs our cells do to use the energy and nutrients we get from food to keep us alive and well