
  1. 2. vitamins that help protect healthy cells from damage caused by the normal aging process
  2. 4. heart and water balance
  3. 8. carries oxygen to the lungs with hemoglobin
  4. 9. not drinking enough water your body needs
  5. 10. are made when manufacturers add hydrogen to fat molecules
  6. 13. maintenance in bone or teeth
  7. 14. lower blood pressure and balance
  8. 15. dissolved substances that regulate processes within the cell
  1. 1. supply energy for the body's functions
  2. 3. extra carbs the body cannot immediately use
  3. 5. a condition in which red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  4. 6. the process of maintaining a stable body temperature
  5. 7. nutrients that occur in rocks and soil
  6. 11. proteins that form links of smaller chains
  7. 12. whole grain breads, cereals, vegtables, fruits, and nuts