
  1. 9. Craving
  2. 10. Energy source
  3. 12. Lack of this causes anemia
  4. 14. Breaking down
  5. 15. Found in bananas - but more in oranges
  6. 16. Basic energy unit
  7. 17. Not eating any animal products
  1. 1. Supplement
  2. 2. Need to eat
  3. 3. Found in sunlight; added to milk (2 words)
  4. 4. Milk sugar
  5. 5. Simple sugars in fruit
  6. 6. Bone builder
  7. 7. Salt form
  8. 8. Not eating meat
  9. 11. Intolerance; Some have this for peanuts
  10. 13. Condition with high glucose - Type 1 or 2?
  11. 14. Usual food and drink