
  1. 3. the only part of a carb that cant be digested
  2. 4. when your body is low on energy and needs food to get energy
  3. 6. ____ and simple sugars make up carbs
  4. 9. a,b,c,d,e calcium are different types of this nutrient
  5. 10. we are made up 70% of this nutrient
  6. 11. popular ways to lose weight through a diet
  7. 12. when you eat a lot of unhealthy calories without puking it up
  8. 14. a unit of heat that gives us energy
  9. 15. saturated and unsaturated comes from this nutrient
  1. 1. found on the back of all of our food boxes
  2. 2. is the main nutrient where we get energy from
  3. 5. the process where the body takes in food and makes energy out of what you eat
  4. 7. this nutrient can come from water and soil
  5. 8. helps us rebuild our muscles
  6. 12. a disorder when you binge eat then throw it up
  7. 13. a disease where you starve yourself