
  1. 2. measure of body fat based on your height and weight
  2. 8. protects your body
  3. 11. When you don't eat for a long period of time
  4. 12. Inorganic element that is found in dirt and water
  5. 13. eat a huge amount of calories and do not purge
  6. 14. process by which the body takes in and uses food
  7. 16. fats that are liquid an room temperature
  1. 1. has two types of sugars simple and compound
  2. 3. contain one or two sugar molecules
  3. 4. include letters like A, B, and zinc
  4. 5. The part of a calorie that can not be digested
  5. 6. disorder where one eats a ton of calories then purges or throws it up
  6. 7. units of heat that measures the energy used by the body and which energy the foods supply to the body
  7. 9. Your body uses protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals
  8. 10. not drinking enough of this nutrient makes you dehydrated
  9. 15. approaches to weight control that are popular for a short time