  1. 3. This essential nutrient provides energy for your body's functions
  2. 5. One example of where protein be found
  3. 7. One example of where vitamins can be found is fruits
  4. 9. This essential nutrient help maintains body temperature
  5. 10. One example of where fats can be found
  6. 11. One example of a mineral is calcium and calcium can be found in _____
  7. 13. This essential nutrient provides building materials for your bones
  8. 14. Substance the body needs
  1. 1. This essenetial nutrients main function is the growth and repair of cells
  2. 2. One example of where carbohydrates can be found
  3. 4. Something that is required or necessary
  4. 6. Process of providing or obtaining food
  5. 8. This essential nutrient helps boost your immune system
  6. 12. 65% of your body weight