
  1. 2. don't cross contaminate
  2. 5. a chemical substance in foods that builds, repairs, and maintains body tissues; regulates body processes; and provides energy
  3. 6. cook to proper temperatures
  4. 11. building blocks that make up proteins
  5. 13. nutrients that are a source of energy and make certain vitamins available for use in the body
  6. 14. wash hands and surfaces often
  7. 15. nutrients that provide energy to the body
  8. 16. a fat-like substance made by the body and found in many foods
  1. 1. nutrients that help chemical reactions take place in the body
  2. 3. in colorful fruits and vegetables and are like superfoods for your brainc
  3. 4. these protect your brain from harm
  4. 7. part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested
  5. 8. nutrients that regulate many chemical reactions in the body
  6. 9. a unit of measure for the energy supplied by food and energy used by the body
  7. 10. a nutrient needed to build, repair, and maintain body tissues
  8. 12. found in foods like fish, help your brain
  9. 15. refrigerate promptly