
  1. 2. eating large amounts of food with loss of control
  2. 3. provide long term energy
  3. 6. we get this from the sun
  4. 8. severely restricting the amount of food you eat
  5. 10. necessary for survival
  6. 12. amount suggested to eat on food label
  7. 13. needed in small amount
  8. 14. eating followed by purging
  9. 17. "unhealthy" fats- bad for your heart
  10. 18. aid in growth and repair
  1. 1. main source of energy
  2. 4. needed in large amounts
  3. 5. provide short term energy
  4. 7. visual reminder to eat all five food groups
  5. 9. used by the body to store energy
  6. 11. "healthy" fats - good for your heart
  7. 15. amount you eat
  8. 16. a unit of energy