
  1. 4. a macronutrient
  2. 5. how many seconds should you wash your hands
  3. 6. waxy substance that can build up in the arteries
  4. 9. converts sugar to energy without oxygen
  5. 11. promotes the growth of bacteria
  6. 12. United States department of agriculture
  7. 15. another name for fats
  8. 18. weight that is good for someones height/activity level
  9. 20. celiac is a ____ sensitivity
  10. 21. _____ can increase the risk of cancer
  11. 26. what vitamin deficiency causes anemia
  12. 31. eating disorder common in adolescent females
  13. 32. source of b12
  14. 33. a high level of macros and micros is a density of what?
  15. 34. people with a dairy sensitivity should drink ____ free stuff
  16. 37. stating everything one has ate in the past day is called: 24...
  17. 38. source of iron
  18. 40. degree needed for advancement in the nutrition field
  19. 42. how many calories are in 1g of fat
  20. 43. as you get older you need to account for ____ changes
  21. 45. egg is a _____
  22. 46. source of vitamin a and k
  23. 48. what acids are proteins composed of
  1. 1. carbs is short for...
  2. 2. need 13g of protien
  3. 3. how many calories are in 2g of carbs
  4. 6. foods high in energy are known as _____ dense
  5. 7. used to relate weight and height
  6. 8. what acids are fats composed of
  7. 10. what's after the mouth in the GI tract
  8. 13. source of calcium
  9. 14. rickets is caused by this deficiency
  10. 16. scurvy is caused by this deficiency
  11. 17. what kind of fatty acid must be obtained from the diet
  12. 19. source of folate
  13. 20. what does fitness promote
  14. 22. stored form of glucose
  15. 23. which fat is broken down by the body quicker
  16. 24. source of vitamin c
  17. 25. fat found in blood stored for energy
  18. 27. what chemical element is exclusive to protein
  19. 28. professionals should dress _____
  20. 29. total energy expenditure
  21. 30. bad cholesterol
  22. 35. an avocado is a _____ fat
  23. 36. main source of energy
  24. 39. food and drug administration
  25. 41. good cholesterol
  26. 44. what molecules are carbs made up of
  27. 47. source of vitamin d