
  1. 3. the food an animal consumes in a 24-hour period
  2. 5. a deficiency of hemoglobin, iron, or red blood cells often due to nutrition
  3. 6. a severe distension of the abdomen by gas; two types: dry and frothy
  4. 7. a source or product containing nutrients that support animal life and productivity
  5. 9. a disease caused by the lack of one or more vitamins in the diet
  6. 10. a daily allowance of livestock feed mixed to contain suitable nutrients to promote normal development, maintenance, lactation, or gestation
  7. 12. a feed ingredient
  8. 13. the oily or greasy substances found in certain plants
  9. 15. feed that is high in energy and low in fiber
  10. 17. an organic substance that performs specific and necessary functions in relatively small concentrates in an organism
  1. 1. any certain organic chemical compounds of C, H, and O which include sugar and starches
  2. 2. all nutrients consumed by an animal that are digested and used
  3. 4. a chemical compound or element of inorganic origin
  4. 8. fever paralysis due to an imbalance of blood calcium, sugars, or magnesium
  5. 11. the process by which an animal ingests and uses nutrients in food materials
  6. 14. any of a large number of complex organic compounds of amino acids that is an essential part of all living things
  7. 16. the most valuable natural resource