
  1. 2. breaks down starch into sugars
  2. 3. Needed for healthy bones and teeth
  3. 5. also called trace elements, some of these are essential for bodily function
  4. 6. vegetables this colour tend to be rich in vitamin C, iron and other minerals
  5. 8. you need small amounts of these in your diet
  6. 12. Exposure to this can help us get vitamin D
  7. 13. source of energy
  1. 1. a simple sugar
  2. 4. needed for red blood cells, a deficiency can lead to anaemia
  3. 5. a mineral essential for muscles, nerves and bones
  4. 7. orange food containing vitamin A, good for the eyes
  5. 8. Aim for at least this many portions a day of fruit and vegetables
  6. 9. These products are a source of calcium and protein
  7. 10. Try and drink two litres of this a day
  8. 11. nutrient responsible for growth and repair