
  1. 2. This disaccharide is commonly called table sugar or brown sugar.
  2. 3. Nutrients that are needed in large quantities.
  3. 6. This orange-coloured vegetable is popular for the treatment of night blindness.
  4. 8. This carbohydrate is also known as a simple sugar.
  5. 9. Nutrients that are needed in small quantities.
  6. 10. This carbohydrate consists of ten or more molecules of sugar.
  7. 12. This nutrient is needed for growth and repair.
  8. 13. A deficiency disease for vitamin C.
  9. 16. The deficiency disease for proteins.
  1. 1. The deficiency disease for vitamin B.
  2. 4. The deficiency disease for vitamin D.
  3. 5. This carbohydrate is an example of a simple sugar.
  4. 6. This polysaccharide makes up the shells of cockroaches.
  5. 7. A macronutrient needed for energy by the body.
  6. 11. This carbohydrate consists of two molecules of sugar.
  7. 12. The positive test for proteins is this colour.
  8. 14. The deficiency disease for carbohydrates.
  9. 15. When food is tested that contains this substance the positive colour is blue-black.